Case study: Dahlia Sutrisno LLC

Stress-free website & brand content strategy

A storyteller at heart and champion for Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality (DEI)) — Dahlia Sutrisno is a beacon for those seeking to carve out their authentic brand in the crowded space of executive leadership coaching.

But, how did we help her?

The Client

Dahlia Sutrisno LLC, USA

From her base in the US to clients spanning Asia, AUNZ, Europe, and the Middle East, Dahlia wanted to evolve her brand to resonate seamlessly across borders.

Central to her vision was celebrating her diverse background as a minority. Adding to the complexity was her transition from an organisation name to her own personal brand.

What we did

What we did was to incorporate story telling that highlighted both her authority in leadership coaching and diverse cultural background. This helped her personal brand resonate with would-be executives, who were also minorities with unique struggles.


Designed monochromatic brand visual identity

Crafted brand story that showcased diversity & expertise

Developed website as an info hub to engage and capture leads

Wrote blog posts that elevated authority in leadership coaching

Our “No-Stress” Done-For-You Approach

Dahlia juggled coaching clients and prospecting, leaving little time for website building or crafting strategic content. Yet, she recognized the importance of owning an online hub that truly represented her brand and attracted new leads.

Enter our “done-for-you” approach. We provided Dahlia with a tailored website and articles aligned with her strategic goals: evolving her brand, establishing trust and authority in new markets, and attracting fresh leads. Throughout the process, she could confidently focus on coaching clients and prospecting, free from technical worries and content marketing intricacies.

Story Exploration

We start all projects by understanding the motives of the business. We then pick and prioritize key points that forms the anchor of the online branding strategy and entire project.

Visual Identity Development

Using Dahlia’s inspiring journey and visual preferences, we crafted a comprehensive branding plan that included a sophisticated monochromatic theme and a personalized logo.

Website Development
& Technical Setup

We built the technical backbone of Dahlia’s hub. This included securing an appropriate domain, arranging web hosting, and installing premium tools on the backend to ensure flexibility and scalability.

Data Analytics Integration

We installed and setup website data tracking tools to gather insights on visitor behaviors, enabling data-driven decisions to refine and optimize the user experience continuously.

Story-Driven Blog Content Creation

We created a blog strategy to showcase Dahlia as an expert in executive leadership coaching. Each post address a specific audience problem, engage readers, and promotes action.

Posts are also re-purposed on social media to reach a wider audience and strengthen Dahlia’s reputation as a leader in her field.

Continuous Website & Content Management

We offer monthly management services for maintaining and updating Dahlia’s website, analyzing performance, and making strategic adjustments based on data insights.

Our support keeps her digital presence dynamic, relevant, and in line with her personal brand and business goals.

Still Not sure? just talk to us.

Other websites we’ve built

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